20-Minute HIIT Workouts: Outdoor Circuit - HIIT on Stairs and A Full Body HIIT Routine!



Why hit the gym when you can go for HIIT anywhere! HIIT is short for High Intensity Interval Training, one of the latest trends in fitness. The nature of HIIT is short, intense spurts of exercise, followed by brief, occasionally active, periods of recovery. 

By minimizing or eliminating downtime in a workout, HIIT is effective, and popular, for supporting weight loss goals. HIIT burns calories and fat, increases metabolism and requires only about 20 minutes for a powerful and efficient workout. 


HIIT training has been on the rise for a few reasons. It can be modified for different fitness levels or special conditions. It has also been shown to provide results similar to longer 'continuous' exercise workouts. HIIT has been a major part of athletic training programs for years, but is now finding a home in even the most mainstream fitness curricula.  HIIT is also in demand because it largely consists of activities anyone can do, just about anywhere.

A typical HIIT routine may include exercises like:

  • Walking

  • Running

  • Stair climbing

  • Cycling

  • Rowing

  • Cross-country skiing

  • Swimming

Each of these actions is designed to work a separate muscle group, in order to achieve a full body workout. Strength training is also a good addition to regular HIIT routines to build muscle. Strength training can be done with weights, body weight, resistance bands, and other weight machines.

We’ve provided some of our favorite routines for doing a HIIT circuit outside, HIIT routines on stairs and a full-body HIIT cardio routine. Use the links below to jump (see what we did there) right to your favorite.

Outdoor HIIT Circuit | Stair Hiit Workout | Cardio and Strength Hiit Workout Routine

Outdoor HIIT Circuit

outdoor HIIT circuit

This fat burning, leg blasting HIIT circuit is perfect for anyone who is still holding off on getting a gym membership. It may also be ideal for someone who needs to squeeze a quick workout in while watching the kids at the park. Your park likely has a lot of “equipment” you didn’t even realize you could use for a quick but simple and effective workout.

Type: Lower Body, Legs   | Repetitions: 15 | Rest Period: 1 min

Equipment: For this circuit all you need is a flat and elevated surface (i.e. park bench, box, platform, etc.).

Warmup: 5 minute jog/fast paced walk around the park

Circuit: Complete 15 reps of the following exercises. Once all 4 exercises are completed, rest 1 minute and repeat. Complete ten sets.


Stand in an athletic position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, at a comfortable distance from the box. When you're ready to jump, drop quickly into a quarter squat, then extend your hips, swing your arms, and push your feet through the floor to propel yourself onto the box. 15 Reps 10x.


Assume start position with right toe on box and left on ground, drive your left knee up and lightly touch your toe on box while simultaneously lightly touching your right toe on ground, continue in alternating fashion. 15 Reps 10x, Rest 1 minute between sets.


Stand to the right of the box holding dumbbells (optional) at sides, place your left foot on the box, Stomp on box with left foot and immediately contract left quad and glute to explosively drive body up, fully extend left leg and drive right knee up until thigh is parallel to ground, bend left knee and hip to lower to starting position, switch to the opposite side. 15 Reps 10x.


Stand in front of the box, facing away from it, and lower down until you’re able to to place your hands on top of the box behind you and grip it with arms fully extended. Knees should be bent at 90 degrees so your body is in reverse table top, stomach towards the ceiling. Keeping your elbows close to your body, bend your arms so your body lowers towards the ground, hovering about an inch above the floor. 15 Reps 10x.

Stair HIIT Workout


This routine also focuses on the lower body, specifically the glute muscles because let's be honest who doesn’t want a great butt? These moves can be done on any stairs inside or outside of the home, just set aside 20 mins and get to work!

Type: Lower Body, Legs & Glutes  | Repetitions: 4  | Rest Period: 60 seconds between sets

Equipment: A set of stairs 

Warm-up: Light stretching and a quick 5 minute jog or fast-paced walk

Circuit: Set yourself up with a stopwatch and switch between these four moves for 20 seconds of work each, followed by 30 seconds of rest. Repeat until you’ve completed 20 minutes. 


For this move I like to stay on one step and focus on one leg at a time which allows you to keep tension in the muscle throughout the whole time of that exercise (we’re setting these up in 30 second intervals)


Stand on the stairs facing sideways, with one foot firmly planted on the step. Perform a side step-up without fully stepping up and planting the other foot. You should be driving through your planted heel through the step-up. 


Step up onto step and kick your opposite leg back into a glute raise, making sure to squeeze the glute muscle, for an added challenge to this move try skipping a step


Up and down as fast as you can get those legs moving

Cardio and Strength HIIT Workout Routine


This third HIIT session will blast calories, boost your cardio capacity, strengthen your core, upper and lower body while challenge your coordination and balance. Perform two rounds of this routine below, executing moves at 70% of your maximum effort (you shouldn’t be able to speak more than a few words at a time).

Type: Upper & Lower Body  | Repetitions: Varied per exercise  | Rest Period: 15- to 45-second rest between each exercise and a 1-minute recovery between each set. 

Equipment: None

Warm-up: Light stretching and a quick 5 minute jog or fast-paced walk

Circuit: Repeat until you’ve completed 20 minutes. 


Start off slowly and gradually increase your pace until breathing becomes difficult and you are only able to speak a few words at a time (working at approximately 70% of your max effort).


Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides. Squat, placing hands flat on floor under shoulders, and then jump or step feet back into plank position. Immediately jump (or step) feet back up to hands, and jump straight up from a squat position, extending arms overhead. Do 10 to 15 reps.


Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms at sides. Lift right foot a few inches off floor, balancing on your left leg. Keeping back flat and abs engaged, hinge forward from your hips, sending right leg (and hips) behind you, reaching hands toward floor. Lower as far as possible while maintaining a flat back, and then squeeze glutes as you return to standing. Do 10 to 15 reps. Switch sides and repeat.


Stand with feet shoulder width apart, arms at your sides. Bend your knees, keeping them in line with your feet, and sit back into a quarter squat (a). Perform a small jump, and land back in your squat position (b). Repeat. Do for a total of 1 minute.


Get into plank position, hands on the ground directly under your shoulders, legs about hip width apart (a). Keeping your elbows tucked against your sides and your body in a straight line, bend your elbows and lower your entire body until it almost touches the ground (or as far down as you can). (b). Return to start position (c). Repeat. Total of 30 seconds x 3 sets.


Start with feet hip width apart, arms at your sides. Perform a small jump upwards while simultaneously moving your right leg forward and left leg backwards, landing in a lunge with right knee bent directly over your toes, left knee bent directly in line with your hip (a). Jump and at the same time reverse legs (b). Repeat. 30 seconds total x 3 sets.


Get onto all fours facing the sky, knees bent 90 degrees over your toes, one leg lifted towards the sky, hands on the ground under your shoulders, fingers facing forward, back straight so your core is parallel to the ground (a). Keeping your elbows tucked in, bend them to lower your butt as close to the ground as you can get (b). Push back up (c). Switch legs and repeat on the other side. 1 minute total x 3 sets.


Sit on your booty and point your straight legs towards the sky, sitting in a “V” position. Take your hands to the right as your pulse up, lower your body halfway down, then come to the center. Turn your body and hands to the left. Lower down and repeat. 15 reps x 3 sets.

If you’re looking for a program with tons of workout routines and the convenience of exercising at home, have a look at our Openfit Review and our workout app comparison

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