Exercise Nutrition: Proper Nourishment and 4 Pre + Post Workout Snacks


By Barb Biagioli

Proper nourishment and nutrition are essential for optimal health. Food is meant to be nurturing and energizing, not punishing and depriving. So eating to prepare for and recover from workouts (and life) requires prioritization and dedication. When you pour hours into working out at the gym to build strength and endurance, perfecting your yoga pose, or running a 10K, it’s crucial that you feed your body the foods that it needs to thrive.

Your mind and body deserve foods that are healing, nurturing, sustaining, and energizing; foods that help you recover from hard workouts, or build up the stamina you need to push through. Not foods that slow you down, sabotage your efforts and belittle your hard work. Why invest the time and money in working out to throw it all away on poor meal choices and unhealthy snack habits?

Eating for You

Don’t get lost and caught up in fitness fads floating around the internet. Let your body guide you – take the time to stop and listen to what your body needs. Don't get caught up in fad diets, deprivation, calorie counting, and restriction. Do yourself a favor and start listening to how you actually feel - letting your inner compass guide you, allowing yourself to decipher hunger cues and satiety. 

We live in a world where quick fixes flourish.
We live in a world where convenience foods are the norm.
We live in a world where diets are a popularity contest.

But, here’s the deal. Food is intended to nourish us - from the cellular, muscular level - breathing life into our organs, blood, and brain. It's not a competition, you can't "outrun" it and you can't deprive yourself forever. In a world of bigger, faster, better, ask yourself how you can find the best way of eating for you - put simply, the way that makes you feel good both before and after you exercise.

A Note on Protein

Let's talk a bit about macros, more specifically, protein and our cultural obsession with it.

There is a whole lot of misinformation out there on protein - what it does in the body, how much we need, and how to get it. So, let's start with the basics.

According to most experts, we should get 10% - 35% of our calories from protein. For women, that means around 46 grams each day and for men about 56 grams a day. It’s very rare to be deficient in protein unless you are deficient in calories! You are more likely to suffer from protein overload, which manifests as gut issues and kidney stones, particularly when you are consuming too much animal protein. Contrary to animal protein, plant-based proteins have a host of health benefits, including:

 ·       protect against heart disease
·       lower your risk for diabetes   
·       lower inflammation   
·       aid in weight loss   
·       prevent kidney disease

 Plant foods contain adequate amounts of protein – all nine essential amino acids – the building blocks that your body uses to build muscle and regulate immune function, among other important tasks. Many plant foods – vegetables, whole grains, legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds contain high-quality protein that when combined and mixed, contain all of the essential amino acids our bodies need to thrive and recover from our workouts. Rather than obsessing over how much protein you are getting or how many calories you shouldn't eat to lose weight, redirect your energy to the number of high-quality foods you consume on a regular basis. And focus on including a variety of plant-based protein sources in your diet by eating a diversity of whole foods.

So when considering which foods are best for fuel and recovery, optimize whole foods to ensure proper nourishment and sustenance for the body. Here are my top 4 pre and post-workout snacks, full of fiber, plant-based protein, vitamins, and minerals for optimal performance and healing:

 Nutritious Post-Workout Snack Ideas


1. Banana with Almond Butter

It’s simple. It’s easy. It’s quick and delicious. Bananas and nut butter are a great pre-workout snack, particularly if you like to set your alarm for the crack of dawn and hit the studio for a 5am spin class. Eating a big breakfast at this hour isn’t feasible – grab a banana on your way out the door and lather it in some nut butter. Or snag a handful of walnuts or almonds instead. This is a great source of fiber and protein – just enough boost to power you up prior to your workout.

 2. Peanut Butter Protein Balls


There are so many great ways to make these protein balls. Mine typically include peanut butter, oats, chia seeds, flax, hemp seeds, maple syrup, and a bit of salt + vanilla extract. You roll all of the ingredients together and place them on parchment paper in the fridge. They are the perfect on-the-go snack, great to snack on after a workout. The chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds are super sources of plant-based protein, fiber, and omega 3 fatty acids – the perfect combination for energy and recovery. Try my recipe below. Or these peanut butter cup energy bites. Or these peanut butter balls.

1 1/4 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
1 tbsp ground  flax seed
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1/4 cup mini dark chocolate chips (optional)
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp sea salt


 3. Nut Butter Cacao Smoothie

Smoothies are the perfect pre and post-workout snack – assuming of course, that you have access to a blender before and after your workout. There are a variety of ways you can make your smoothie an energy booster, or a recovery shake without the use of added protein powders. Adding spinach, blueberries, bananas, nut butter, and sources of plant-based proteins like hemp seeds, chia seeds, and flax, will pack your smoothie with a protein punch. Combine the following ingredients in your blender or try this green hemp smoothie – packed with protein and great for your digestion.

1 banana
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp of peanut butter
1 tbsp of almond butter
1 tbsp of cacao powder
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp ground flax
4 ice cubes

 4. Avocado Toast with Hemp Seeds


Who doesn’t love a good avocado toast?! Another great snack for your arsenal of recipes. With a few quick additions, this otherwise simple snack can reach new rankings, crowned as the superfood snack queen. A great breakfast, paired with your lunch salad, or munched on before and after your workout, avocado toast is whatever you make it. It’s fused with flavor, a good source of fiber, protein, and healthy fats. You can add red onion, sliced tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, cilantro, mashed or regular beans. Try my avocado toast, or make your avocado toast with a twist.

1 slice of Ezekiel or gluten-free bread
1/2 avocado, mashed
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1/2 tsp oregano
dash of sea salt
dash of red pepper
optional:1/4 cup black beans, mashed (additional protein)

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